ECUMaster 因提供卓越的價值和性能而迅速受到歡迎。高素質的賽車運動客戶和 OEM 廠商注意到了這種精神,這產生了對賽車級產品的需求。我們想介紹新的PMU16 AS,這是專為最嚴苛的使用環境以及專業要求客戶應用而設計的賽車級配電模組。
PMU-16AS 專為嚴苛的賽用環境以及高標準客戶要求的可靠性和堅固性放在首位而設計。軍規連接器代表了目前可用的最高質量的插頭,並且是專業賽車運動和航太工業的標準。電池連接使用額定電流為 200A 的 RadlokTM 連接器,無需任何工具即可斷開連接。輸出連接器是專門為 Ecumaster 設計和製造的定制 18 針,12 規格連接器。該裝置具有 IP65 防水防塵等級,可在最惡劣的條件下使用,包括多塵和潮濕的環境。
與標準 PMU16 相比,增加了 6 個低壓側輸出,每個通道的額定電流為 2 安培。 14 個主輸出通道的額定電流為 25A,兩個輸出通道的額定電流為 40A。與 Ecumaster 產品一貫的品質一樣,配合軍規連接器插頭和訂製的鍍金端子也包含在套件其中,您無需支付額外費用,這可節省大量成本開銷,並且省去了訂購單獨組件的麻煩。
- PMU16 AutoSport 設備
- 兩個帶端子的高階軍規快拆連接器
- Radlok 快速連接器,用於電源輸入
- 疊層插針卡
- USB 轉 CAN適配器 (您可以使用 Peak PCAN 或 Kvaser CAN 電纜,但是必須使用這三個 USB 轉 CAN 接口之一來對設備進行編程)
- CAN 鍵盤 (機械開關可以連接到 16 個模擬輸入中的任何一個,並且為 PMU16 提供了獨立的功能控制)
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Prices Shown Are In New Taiwan Dollars.
If The Order Needs To Be Shipped Outside Of TAIWAN, Please Get An Shipping Quote From The "CONTACT US" Or "" First. Prices On Our Website Dosen't Include International Shipping Fee.
All Purchases Are Subjected To TAG Engineering Terms Of Service Agreement. Some Products For Race Use ONLY.
標籤: Autosport, ECU Master, Motorsport, PDM, PMU16, power management unit, Race, TAG Engineering, 專業賽車工程, 賽車工程, 電源模組, 電源管理系統, 高階
The ECUMaster brand has quickly become popular for delivering excellent value and performance. This ethos was noticed by high caliber motorsport customers and OEMs , which created a need for motorsport grade products. We would like to introduce the new PMU16 AS, a motorsport grade power distribution module built for the most demanding customers and applications.
The PMU16 Autosport Version is designed for demanding customers and installations where reliability and robustness are top priorities. Autosport connectors represent the highest quality connector available, and are the standard for professional motorsports and aerospace industries. The battery connection utilizes a RadlokTM connector rated to 200 amps that can be disconnected without the need for any tools. The output connector is a custom 18 pin, 12 gauge connector designed and manufactured specifically for Ecumaster. The unit features an IP65 environmental protection rating, permitting its use in the harshest of conditions, including dusty and wet environments.
Compared to the standard PMU16, 6 low side outputs have been added and are rated at 2 amps per channel. 14 of the main output channels are rated at 25 amps, with two output channels rated at 40 amps. As always with Ecumaster products, mating connectors and terminals are included at no extra cost, which represents a substantial savings and saves the hassle of ordering separate components.
What’s In The Box?
- PMU16 AutoSport Device
- Two Autosport Connectors with Terminals
- Radlok connector for power input
- Laminated Pinout Card
Recommended Accessories
- USB to CAN Adapter (you may use a Peak PCAN or Kvaser CAN cable, but one of these three USB to CAN interfaces must be used to program the device)
- CAN Keyboard (mechanical switches may be connected to any of the 16 analog inputs, but CAN keyboards add functionality to the PMU16)
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