ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體)

ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體) | TE Motorsport by TAG Engineering Group.

Decades ago, the critical electronic components in a race car were the ignition coil and points. Race cars now feature advanced engine management systems, antilock brake systems, paddle shifters, dataloggers, radios, electric pumps, fans, and lights. All components need to be controlled at the correct moment, and all components require circuit protection to prevent damage or fire.

Traditionally, fuses and relays served all of those purposes, but they have many disadvantages like complicated wiring looms, sensitivity to vibration/temperature, and difficult diagnostics.

All of these problems can be solved by using intelligent power management units (PMUs). Our newly developed PMU unit is at the forefront of technology. It provides 16 high current outputs (and use of multiple units if more outputs are required).

One of the main advantages of the PMU is continuous current sensing and self-resetting functionality if current exceeds the defined level. All output state, voltage and current information can be logged and transmitted via CAN bus to dash displays to inform drivers of potential problems.

An additional advantage of the PMU system is the ability to define logic for controlling outputs. This is done with data from analogue input channels or CAN bus data, and math operations can be defined for each channel. The PMU is also equipped with LED indicators to show the status of each output.

With use of CAN bus keypads or steering wheel switches, all wiring is vastly simplified and lightened.

Two unique features are the inbuilt accelerometer and gyro for logging and “inertia switch” in case of accident.


PMU is assembled according to IPC-S-815A standards to ensure product reliability. The device is manufactured on an automated assembly line with optical inspection, and automated testing (including burn-in).  The PCB material and design, special surface coating and IP65 enclosure ensure reliability even in the harshest environments. Carefully selected components allow for continuous and reliable operation across a very wide temperature range (AECQ-100 GRADE 1 (-40 to +125˚C).


  • Temperature range
AECQ100 GRADE1 (-40 to +125˚C)
  • CPU
32 bits automotive, 90MIPS
  • Reverse polarity protection
Yes, internal
  • Operating voltage
6-22V, immunity to transients according to ISO 7637
  • Enclosure
IP 65, bespoke CNC machined aluminum
  • Size (mm) and weight(g)
131x112x32.5, 345g
  • Connectors
1 x 39 Automotive connector,1 x M6 stud for battery connection
  • PC communication


  • High current outputs
10 x 25A(cont.), 6 x 15A(cont.) with Overcurrent and overheating protection. Outputs may be paired to increase continuous current capability. Current and voltage is measured for each output
  • Total current output
150A continuous
  • Output current control step
  • Wipers output
Dedicated output with wiper braking feature
  • +5V
Monitored 5V, 500mA output for powering external sensors.


  • Analog inputs
16 inputs, 10 Bit resolution, 0-5V (protected), with software selectable 10K Ohm pullup and pulldowns
  • CAN Keypads
2 x Ecumaster keypads (4, 8, 12 keys)


  • Output state indication
16 bicolor LEDs
  • Accelerometer/Gyroscope
3D accelerometer with 3D gyroscope for logging and crash detection
  • Real time clock
Yes, super capacitor for backup power (up to 3 days)


  • CAN interface
2 x CAN2B
  • CAN standard
2.0B 125, 250, 500, 1000 kbps
  • Input/output stream
User defined with bit maskingup to 48 input messages


  • Logging memory
None. (256 Mbytes ONLY on PMU-16DL version (this is the only difference between the two models))
  • Logging speed
Variable, defined per channel, up to 500Hz


  • Logical operators
AND, OR, NOT, XOR,  >, <, =, >=, <=, !=, isTrue, isFalse, Toggle, Flash, Pulse
  • Number of functions
  • Number of operations
  • Update frequency
  • Special functions
Wipers, blinkers
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ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體) | TE Motorsport by TAG Engineering Group.

  ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體) | TE Motorsport by TAG Engineering Group.

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ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體) 共有 2 則評價

  1. ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體) | TE Motorsport by TAG Engineering Group.
    評分 5 滿分 5


    Work pretty will. Great quality.

  2. ECUMaster PMU-16 Power Management Unit Without Memory 專業級電源管理系統 (不帶內建記憶體) | TE Motorsport by TAG Engineering Group.
    評分 5 滿分 5

    Bryan (已購買)

    Work pretty well.


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評分 5.00 / 5,已有 2 位顧客進行評分
(2 則顧客評價)

Available : In Stock


ADU、PMU 等設備的編程介面需要透過 USB to CAN 通訊。故您需要有 CAN 轉 USB 端子訊號才能使用編程軟體進行編程。如您沒有類似的裝置,可考慮加購。

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