ITB install to standard 2.5L BMW 325i engine
This is here to show the power gains made by fitting a set of 40mm ITB intakes to a standard 2.5L 6 cyl engine with no other modifications, note the gains made to the mid and lower rpm range, to drive this car the transformation was quite impressive.
這是一台基本原形建立於 M20B25 的普通 E30 325 引擎,經過 RHD 調教搭配 40mm 獨立進氣閥門,產生的提升效能是淺顯易見且令人印象深刻的。尤其是中低轉速時的扭力更是令人驚艷。我們非常滿意這樣的搭配所產生的車輛推力,對於一般道路用車是有著不小幅度的動力提昇。