這是來自 BOSCH Motorsport 所生產不帶內部驅動控制器的小巧緊致高性能考爾,他可以提供優異的電氣效能以及穩定性,並且賦予強大的點火性能以及穩定的充磁效率。是目前全球眾多改裝車隊、玩家選用的點火考爾之一,BOSCH 享譽國際的優異製造品質以及穩定性也為您的車帶來極佳的性能體驗以及安全可靠性。
他也與 ECU Master ECU 兼容可直接適配(驅動),我們商店內也有販售此考爾專屬的插頭零件,你可盡情依照需求打造你的引擎。
- Energy point: ≤ 65 mJ
- Primary current: ≤ 7.5 A
- The temperature range in the core of external -20 to 140 ° C
- Storage temperature: -40 to 100 ° C
- Maximum vibration: ≤ 250 m / s ^ 2 in the range of 5 to 2,500 Hz
- Length: 180 mm
- Weight: 225g
- Mounting: screw fastening
- Fits standard Plug with a diameter of 10 mm ceramic mandrel
- Primary resistance: 570 mOhm
- High-voltage rise time: ≤ 1.9 kV / ms
- The maximum voltage at the 1M || 10 pF: ≤ 35 kV
- Current candle: ≤ 74 mA
- Time access to the candle at 1kV || 1M: ≤ 2.0 ms
- Suppression of “noise”: Induction resistance of 1 k
- LED suppression / ERF: Built
- The degree of power: IGBT IRG4BC40S (Uce = 600 V)
- Connector: Tyco AMP
- Connector Type: D 261 205 350-01
- Pin 1: GND Engine
- Pin 2: Ubatt
- Pin 3: ECU ignition power stage
- During mounting of the spark plug please pay attention that full clamping and proper contacts are made to ensure safe connection between coil and spark plug.
- The coil P65 has no integrated transistor and requires an ECU with internal ignition power stages, e.g. IGBT IRG4BC40S or BIP.
- For technical reasons the values of the coils may vary.
- Please regard the specified limit values.
- In case of ignition-caused malfunctions, please use screened sensor wires.
*非常備庫存,如欲缺貨可能需要等待 7-24 工作天
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